As we kick-off 2021 here at ingenium, I wanted to share some of the discussions and subjects that have been on our radar over the past year. 

ingenium recently had our 2020 wrap up/2021 kick off meeting and I think some of the topics are widely relevant, so I wanted to share. Here are some of the highlights: 

  • The unforeseen effects of COVID forced us into remote work and we all had to adapt and define the 'new normal'. Within ingenium that created the opportunity to evaluate our workflow, processes, systems, use of technology, advertising, marketing, internal roles & responsibilities and communication (both style and delivery method). That got me thinking, what other opportunities are there to innovate/be different? We all get into routines and do our jobs essentially the same way day after day & year after year—why does it take a global pandemic for us to think about better ways to operate? 

  • Analytics - business, sports, entertainment, politics— everything revolves around data and making better informed decisions around the numbers. We admittedly took our eyes off our key metrics in Q2 & Q3 as we were in scramble and survival mode. There is no question that slowed our recovery. I believe you need to have somebody in your company that is responsible for data capture, tracking and monitoring. It doesn't sound like a revenue producing role so most companies may resist that function, but I would argue that it's essential. 

  • Finally, the pandemic reinforced our career choice. The demand for technical & product talent continues to grow and outpaces the supply. That provides our agency an unlimited opportunity to be a trusted source of those candidates. Is your business/profession/role in an equally good spot? If not, now might be the time to make a change. 

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